Telemetry Gateway

The Telemetry Gateway service is the service that ingests telemetry v2 events from all Sourcegraph instances, and is available at

NOTE: There is now a generated operations reference for the MSP-based Telemetry Gateway service in Telemetry Gateway infrastructure, generated by sg msp operations - as the generated docs improve, some content from this page will be migrated away.

Service images

Source code for Telemetry Gateway service is in sourcegraph/sourcegraph/cmd/telemetry-gateway. The image gets built the same way as any other Sourcegraph service, i.e. with insiders, the standard main-branch and main-dry-run tags.

Local development

For local development, please refer to its How to set up Telemetry Gateway locally.


Here is a list of useful quick links:

Infrastructure access

The following Entitle requests are needed to get access to Telemetry Gateway service infrastructure:

All engineers should have access to the dev project by default.


The Telemetry Gateway service infrastructure is defined in sourcegraph/managed-services/services/telemetry-gateway utilizing Managed Services Platform.

Modify deployment manifest

To modify the deployment manifest:

  1. Update service.yaml file
  2. Anywhere in the repository, run sg msp generate telemetry-gateway prod
  3. Stage changes and make a pull request
  4. The Terraform Cloud rolls out changes

Use a different image tag

To specify a Docker image tag other than the default, update the service.yaml:

 - id: prod
     type: manual
+    manual:
+      tag: 218287_2023-05-10_5.0-5bd03cd18e71



The deployment’s Cloud Run metrics overview page provides basic observability into the service provided out-of-the-box by Cloud Run, such as instance count and resource utilization.